Our Kindness Award Winners

Over the two weeks before half term, we had been learning about how we can show kindness to others. At the end of the two weeks, the teachers chose one child who had demonstrated that they had fully understood what to be kind means. So, this time, the award for being kindness goes to....
Class 1 Emily - She has been working kindly with others in the areas and making sure that other children are involved and not left out.
Class 2/3 Jasmine - She is always kind and friendly to everyone in class.
Class 4 Grace - She is always helping people out.
Class 5 Rueben - Rueben is always the first person to ask 'are you okay?' if he sees someone upset or hurt. He is such a kind, caring and thoughtful person to all children and staff. Thank you Rueben for making our classroom a lovely place to be.
Class 6 Aaliyah - Aaliyah always volunteers to help people within our class.
Class 7 Itzel - She is generous and thinks of others, she's thoughtful and helpful and an all round lovely human being!
Class 8 Billy L - For always showing kindness in school. He always uses his manners and was kind to others during nurture time.
Class 9 Jaden - For always using his manners and showing kindness to everyone in Year 4 and to the adults in school.
Class 10 Oliver - For always thinking of other people's feelings and emotions. He will ensure that nobody is left out and is always looking for ways to make people smile. He is kind and considerate at all times.
Class 11 Jessica - For being a wonderful individual, always looking out for her close friends, but also being caring and kind to the whole class. She is a role model to all.
Class 12 Mason- For always showing kindness to every member of the class.
Class 13 Brodie- He is kind to everyone he meets, particularly his close friends. He makes others act in a kind manner too, simply by his actions.
Class 14 Loki - He is always offering help to others, both adults and children. He is a kind and caring friend, who thinks of others' needs.
We are now looking at our VAA Practice and look forward to celebrating our winners in two weeks time.