Today, we’re celebrating children who have demonstrated the Higher Performance Learning Value of Enquiring!


Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about how we can use enquiring skills in our work. At the end of the two weeks, the teachers chose one child who has demonstrated that they have fully understood what this skill means. So, this time, the award for being enquiring goes to....

 Class 2/3 Hayden - For asking lots of questions in maths to help him with his work.

Class 4 Grace - For always asking the meanings of words in our phonics lessons! (If Mr Jardine struggles or forgets the meaning to a word, she will be polite and ask me again later).

Class 5 Caitlyn - For making fantastic progress when working independently this year. She always shows she is keen to learn by taking feedback onboard as to how she can improve and implementing these changes to make progress. 

Class 6 Imogen - Imogen has had the most enquiring stickers in our class because she is always curious about her learning.

Class 7 Billy - Billy always wants to know more and asks why. 

Class 8 Harper Lily - For always being focused and she enquires wonderfully in all lessons. Well done!!

 Class 9 Leo - for asking appropriate questions and going above and beyond expectations when completing his homework. 

Class 10 Titus - For  having a proactive approach towards his learning, being able to think independently and always having a thirst to learn.

Class 11 William - For asking inquisitive questions across a variety of lessons.

Class 12 Joseph A - For asking fantastic scientific questions during a lesson about forces. 

Class 13 Roman- For his amazing enthusiasm in history - always working to find out more.

Class 14 James - For always asking questions to find out more. He is interested in everything we are learning and uses his previous knowledge to build a bigger picture.

Our next value is Kindness.

We will also continue to learn about the following ACPs:

  • Intellectual confidence
  • Strategy planning
  • Self-regulation
  • Meta-cognition


Has your child come home with one of the above stickers? If so, ask them why they got it and what it means. You'll be surprised by how much they understand, no matter what their age!

The children in Years 2 through to 6 have been doing kindness challenges this week - please ask your child about them and encourage them to carry out the act of kindness at home!

We look forward to celebrating our next winners soon!