Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about how we can be open-minded. So, this time, the award for being open-minded goes to....


  • Class 1 - Donald - for asking lots of questions during our Eid lessons about different festivals.
  • Class 2 - Ava - in class we have finished learning about lots of different religious festivals and celebrations. Ava said it was okay if people celebrated different festivals. 
  • Class 3 -Caius- for being able to listen to other people's ideas during maths and applying them to his work. He was able to then solve the problem he was struggling with.
  • Class 4 - Harper - Harper always works beautifully. She shares lots of ideas and listens to others. 
  • Class 5 - Billy - Billy was superb in being open minded during a debate in our English lesson. He listened to reasons for both decisions and sensibly came to a conclusion at the end. Super work Billy!
  • Class 6 - Dalia- she is always welcoming of new children and supports them to settle into school. 
  • Class 7 - Erica - Erica has a really mature attitude towards feedback about her learning and has taken everything on board. She has changed her attitude towards learning and work and is really putting in the effort without any expectation. 
  • Class 8 - Thunder - Thunder is always open to learning especially with the way he has been open to expanding his linguistic horizons in French.
  • Class 9 - Jessica - for being open-minded about the games she plays on the playground and being flexible with her thoughts. She asks questions to understand the playground problems and helps to find a solution. 
  • Class 10 - Roopa - for always making well-informed decisions after hearing other people's opinions. She will accept advice/feedback that is given to help improve her learning. She will always consider the thoughts and feelings of others. Roopa accepts new challenges with such determination and a positive outlook.
  • Class 11 - Jayden N - he is able to consider the ideas and opinions of others and asks relevant questions about what he has learned.
  • Class 12 - Ronnie - he loves to ask questions and will consider the opinions/ideas of others. He never judges anyone.
  • Class 13 - Jaiying- for always being willing to take on others' ideas.
  • Class 14 - Ava- she is always inclusive no matter who she is working with. She listens to others' opinions and ideas and will incorporate these into her own work.



Show your child what you would do if things don't go the way you expect them to. Explain to them that it's not always an easy journey, but that tricky situations make us stronger and more resilient people. We look forward to celebrating our new winners soon!