Congratulations to our Collaborative Winners

We’re very excited to have started our Higher Performance Learning Journey in school. We believe that this will have a very positive impact on all of our children.
Over the first two weeks of this term, we have been learning about how we can work collaboratively with each other and how this skill helps us to work successfully with others. At the end of the two weeks, the teachers chose one child who has demonstrated that they have fully understood what this skill means. So, this time, the award for being collaborative goes to....
Class 1 - Bella - she is always the first to help and works amazingly well as part of a team. At playtime, she works well together with her friend to show them how to zip up their coats. Great work Bella!
Class 2 - Lauren - for always offering a helping hand and then working collectively in PE when helping to tidy away the equipment.
Class 3 - Theo - for helping out his classmates when they were struggling with maths. He is always happy to help and will sit happily with people and explain!
Class 4 - Corey - for working really well with others and teaching other children how to use the computers.
Class 5 - Jack - for working fantastically in a team and always working so brilliantly with different people. Well done Jack!
Class 6 - Adam - for showing that he can take advice from other members of the class and follow it.
Class 7 - Alfred - he is so helpful and he works kindly with everyone else. He offers to help others tidy their tables when he has finished. He is very thoughtful and always works hard encouraging others to work together.
Class 8 - Lucas - he works well in a group, listening to others' ideas and opinions, whilst also offering his own suggestions. He is always quick to help anyone who needs it, without being asked. Thank you for being a superstar in Class 8, Lucas!
Class 9 - Ishika - for always listening to others during the group discussions. She works well in teams and helps others to work collaboratively.
Class 10 - Quinn - for always listening to others and he never interrupts. Quinn works fantastically in a team. He recently shared his nature resources so that others could make their nature picture. Quinn can work with anyone in class and is a helpful pupil to all.
Class 11 - Bella - for working well in a team in science, using her initiative and sharing roles as well.
Class 12 - Dominic - for working well in a team in science, using his initiative and sharing roles as well.
Class 13 - Ryan - he can work well with anyone.
Class 14 - McCaulley - he is an integral part of any team that he is working with, offering advice and listening to other people's ideas. McCaulley always offers his help wherever he can to a wide range of people across the school.
Our next value is ‘Enquiring’. High achievement and curiosity are linked and you can develop that curiosity in your child. Ask them questions about anything, such as, 'why do you think that's happened...?' or 'where do you think...?' Questions like these will encourage them to start to independently ask these questions and it's at this point that your job will become trickier, as you will have to answer them!
We can’t wait to celebrate our next winners!