Our Creative and Inspiring Winners

Today, we’re celebrating our latest Higher Performance Learning Value award winners.
Over the last two week, we have been learning how we can be Creative and Inspiring within school. Our award winners are;
Class 1 - Ethan - for creating an original sentence about the Big Bad Wolf - writing 'he has big ears' all on his own.
Class 2 - Ava - from Ava's creative play-doh models (of The 3 Little Pigs), to her ability to explore solutions to problems (working out how many days it is until her birthday by counting backwards from the date), Ava truly deserves this award!
Class 3 - Caitlyn - when doing English, Caitlyn came up with some great promises for any new students who might arrive in our school.
Class 4 - Shirley - Shirley always produces beautiful work that inspires others around her.
Class 5 -Divisha - for finding different solutions to questions in her maths, even with a broken arm!
Class 6 - Isla- for always coming up with individual and inspirational creative work, then showing others how to do it.
Class 7 - Harper - Harper always asks questions to find out more and the questions are sensible and relevant to make her understand her work. If anyone has initiative it is Harper. She is always thinking of different ways to do things and ways to find a way around.
Class 8 - Jake - he is fantastic at using his own initiative to find solutions to problems, particularly in maths. He is great at thinking of multiple different ways to solve problems and often thinks of a solution that Miss Hitchman didn't even think of! He always thinks about what he already knows and applies this knowledge to new situations.
Class 9 - Khurain- for showing her creativity when making the World Book Day posters and showing how inspired she was when performing to the class.
Class 10 - Roopa - for always inspiring others with her fantastic attitude to learning. Roopa puts 100% effort into everything she does, comes in every morning with a smile on her face and never gives up. Her World Book Day costume was very creative and it was clear Roopa put a lot of thought and effort into it.
Class 11 - Krishna- for working in a creative way to create a themed game and inspiring others around him in many lessons, especially English.
Class 12 - Jeremy - for sharing his amazing ideas with others in the group. He inspires others in the way he has adapted to life at our school and tries so hard with all of his learning. He's a great role model.
Class 13 - April - for her amazing and inspiring book week author power point.
Class 14 - Koby- for being creative during his writing and choosing his vocabulary carefully. He's a creative person, always looking for ways to improve his designs.
Our next value is Perseverance! At school, we've been showing the children what they need to do to persevere, and we've spoken about when we have personally had to persevere at tasks and you can do the same! It's important that your child understands why they should persevere and what they can achieve by doing so. When they have shown you that they can persevere, praise them for doing so! We look forward to celebrating our new winners soon!