Our new Pupil Leadership Team

A big congratulations to our new Pupil Leadership team who have been elected to represent their classes today. We are sure that your will be absolutely brilliant role models for the rest of your peers and that you will achieve great things for your classmates and the school environment as a whole.
Miss Hine and Miss Hitchman are looking forward to working with you this year, and can’t wait for your first meeting.
We have been blown away by the amount of effort that every child has made during the campaign earlier this week. All of your speeches have been amazing – and we thank you, as parents, for all the help and support that you gave your child – they truly shone!
For all the children who did not succeed this time, we urge you to keep trying! You were all brilliant and you should all be very proud of the effort and passion that you showed during the campaign.
We wish our Pupil Leadership Team a very successful year!