Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about how we can PERSEVERE in our learning . At the end of the two weeks, the teachers chose one child who had demonstrated that they had fully understood what this skill means. This award was given to the children,  by our staff Governor, Fiona Perry.

So, this time, the award for being practice goes to....

Class 1 Amelia -  Amelia has really started to give everything a go and tries so hard, even when she finds it tricky.  

Class 4 Athu - For his handwriting! He never gives up and is always striving to improve.

Class 5 Tyrus - Tyrus always wants to achieve and display high quality work. He always keeps going when faced with a challenge and gives his maximum effort every day. Keep smashing it, Tyrus!

Class 6 Maryam - Maryam tries hard in every lesson; she has persevered with her name writing and can now write her name independently. 

Class 7 Itzel - She never gives up, she always tries her hardest and no matter what, her priority is focusing on her learning. If something is tricky, she doesn't complain, she uses her initiative to find solutions and takes everything in her stride. She's a role model for everyone in school! We can all learn from her awesomeness.

Class 8 Kayden - He has kept on persevering with his English work. He kept writing, even though his hand was getting tired! Well done Kayden!

 Class 9 Annabel - For persevering in dance even when she felt uncomfortable she managed to perform her lifts with her groups motivation. 

Class 10 Jessie- For tackling her times tables facts with such enthusiasm. She is practising lots at home and her confidence is developing well and she is applying her knowledge in our maths lessons. 

Class 11 Quinn - For always persevering even when he finds things tricky.

Class 12 Charlotte - Charlotte always perseveres in her learning. She amazed her teachers during number day when she persevered with the maths challenge. 

Class 13 Harrison D- For taking so much of his work seriously.

Class 14 Jake - For always giving 100% and continuing to remain positive even when things get harder.

We look forward to celebrating the next winners of our value awards soon!