We’re very excited to share that our Higher Performance Learning Journey continues in school. We believe that this has already had a really positive impact on our children, and we look forward to celebrating their success over the year.

Over the first two weeks of this term, we have been learning about how we can work collaboratively with each other and how this skill helps us to work successfully with others. At the end of the two weeks, the teachers chose one child who has demonstrated that they have fully understood what this skill means. So, this time, the award for being collaborative goes to....

Class 1 George -  He has been working with others to build amazing buildings in our blocks learning area.

Class 2/3 Benjamin - For always being willing to help!

Class 4 Jayden - For working very well in a team, solving problems within his maths lesson.

Class 5 George - He is so helpful in the classroom and always works well, and nicely with all children. He is often the first person to offer help to anyone who needs it.

Class 6 Ben - Ben will support anyone within our class with their learning. He listens to what they are asking and then guides them with their next steps. 

Class 7 Noah J - For working with the other children in the class to stay on task and regulate their emotions. 

Class 8 Noah M - for playing fairly with Jaxon and Maddison when playing Guess Who in nurture time. He was sensible and made sure everybody got a turn!

 Class 9 Alice H -  For helping her friends to have the correct equipment and supporting her peers with English tasks. 

Class 10 Lucas - For helping his group in science when they were sorting different animals into groups. He kept the group focused and made sure that everybody had their turn.

Class 11 Nimalan - for being amazing in all lessons especially PE.

Class 12 Joseph F - For being a great class member and supporting other children in maths. Joseph is great at helping other pupils and is fantastic when explaining maths problems. 

Class 13 Joseph W - For working well with his peers in all lesson discussions.

Class 14 Amelia L - For bring collaborative when working, taking other people's opinions and ideas into consideration, and for being resilient when encountering setbacks.

Our next value is ‘Enquiring’. High achievement and curiosity are linked and you can develop that curiosity in your child. Ask them questions about anything, such as, 'why do you think that's happened...?' or 'where do you think...?' Questions like these will encourage them to start to independently ask these questions and it's at this point that your job will become trickier, as you will have to answer them!

We can’t wait to celebrate our next winners!