Over the last two weeks, we have been learning about how we can practice the skills we have been learning. At the end of the two weeks, the teachers chose one child who has demonstrated that they have fully understood what this skill means. So, this time, the award for practice goes to....

  • Class 1 - Eva-Mae - for practicing all her phonics and reading in school and at home. She has been trying her very best since coming back after half term. 
  • Class 2 - Oliver - for all the practising he has been doing with his reading at home and in school. It has made a huge difference and he has even moved up 4 reading levels! Well done Oliver!
  • Class 3 - Harley H - for working really hard at using his finger spaces in writing. He is really starting to apply it and his writing is coming along nicely!
  • Class 4 - Noah H - Noah reads beautifully and he uses exclamation marks to add expression to his writing.
  • Class 5 -Ava - for always practising and aiming to get better at maths. Great work Ava!
  • Class 6 - George- he is always practising his lead ins when writing and this is showing in the neatness of his work. 
  • Class 7 - Thomas - Thomas works so hard and is always the first person prepared for a lesson. He practices so much and has the best attitude to learning, going above and beyond.  
  • Class 8 - Maya - Miss Hitchman has noticed how hard Maya is working on practising and improving her handwriting, and her hard work is really paying off. Well done Maya and keep it up!
  • Class 9 - Jake- for practicing his times table every night. Jake doesn't stop practising until he has got all the questions right for each times table. Jake always puts 110% into all of his learning. 
  • Class 10 - Jasmine - for practising her times tables and working very hard to improve. 
  • Class 11 - Lottie- for practising lots of skills with a smile on her face, especially relative clauses in English when this takes 100% focus! 
  • Class 12 - Mollie - for working so hard on her reading and her times tables. She's making amazing progress and her confidence is soaring too! what a superstar!
  • Class 13 - Iyla - for practising lots in maths so that her fraction, decimal and percentage work just clicked. 
  • Class 14 - Hei Sui- she has put in great effort with learning the correct tenses to use in her writing. As a result, her writing has improved significantly.

Our next value is Creative and Inspiring. Ask your child if they have invented a new solution to a problem or shown originality in their work. Have they tried to be resourceful when presented with challenging tasks and problems?

We are looking forward to celebrating our new winners in a couple of weeks time.